Something You Should Know About Kids’ Movies

It is said that child’s age is the developing age of the mind. Whatever the mind perceives it is stored in their long term memory and this memory later on helps in the character building of a child. A child given love and affection helps him grow in confidence. The modern age of technology has largely impacted the child’s brain from news to movies. Mostly parents prefer their children to watch comedy movies and cartoons. Movies and cartoons though no doubt are the best form of entertainment but the question is what kind of movies are there for children. Movies have a vast range of genres and from comedy to romance to action the list goes on and on.

Kids themselves however prefer watching comedy movies or animated movies as these are able to grasp kids mind more comfortably. Comedy movies not only show the lighter side of life but also keep them away from computer games which are affecting kids a lot. Cartoons were always favorites of any kid be they Tom and Jerry, Bugs Bunny or Ben Ten. The new series of movies being made on cartoons is basically made to target the kids audiences and it is very much working out for them. The latest trends of sci-fi and 3D movies being shown in cinemas have attracted a large number of audiences. The Latest being AVATAR which also won the OSCARS made a mark in the cinema’s history. Parents are usually worried about their kids and try to keep them away from R-rated movies.

Psychologists also discovered that Children’s who are used of doing or watching something’s at a certain age they become a part of their personality these can include early age smoking and drinking. These can be the worst outcomes of watching movies but it is said that everything has a positive or negative impact. It is actually how you perceive a thing.

In the early era for movies for kids movies like Superman, Batman and others were massive blockbusters and kids used to dress like these super heroes and act like them. The good point about kids movies are that they can also be watched by elders and equally enjoyed since most they have a creative and comical outlook. This trend was early adopted by HOLLYWOOD the leading film industry in the world. Later on others also adopted this path and are equally successful as the prior ones.

Movies were always associated with entertainment but with the passage of time they have also been a source of sending a message to the kids and others as well. The addition of different genres of movies entering the scene has increased the choice for kids. This has been a positive step towards the movies that are basically being made for kids to have a longer time period to survive otherwise kids usually get quickly bored and try to look for new adventure. Movies for kids have undoubtedly not only changed their thinking but also have broadened their vision.


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